FUNcube-1 / AO-73

 The AMSAT-UK educational amateur satellite project – FUNcube – features a 435 to 145 MHz Linear Transponder for SSB/CW operation and a telemetry beacon for schools to receive. The project has received major initial funding from the Radio Communications Foundation (RCF) and is being developed in collaboration with ISIS-Innovative Solutions in Space BV. For the most up-to-date information about this project visit

On November 21, 2013 FUNcube-1 (AO-73) was launched from the Yasny launch base located in the Orenburg Region, Russia on a Dnepr Launch Vehicle into a 600 km, 97.8º inclination sun-synchronous orbit. In this orbit the satellite passes over the British Isles and Europe approximately 3 times in the morning, and 3 in the evening, every day, perhaps allowing the morning passes to be used for educational purposes and the evening passes for Amateur Radio communications. FUNcube carries a UHF to VHF linear transponder that will has 300 mW PEP output and which can be used by Radio Amateurs worldwide for SSB and CW communications.


Communication subsystem:



• 145.935 MHz BPSK Telemetry 30/300 mW
• Inverting SSB/CW transponder 300 mW
– 435.150 – 435.130 MHz Uplink
– 145.950 – 145.970 MHz Downlink



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